“I am baptizing you with water, for repentance, but the one who is coming after me is mightier than I.” – Matthew 3:11
Through Baptism, one of three sacraments of initiation, we welcome new people into the Catholic faith (often, but not always, as infants). The Sacrament of Baptism frees the baptized infant from the Original Sin they were born with. (In the case of older children and adults, this sacrament also frees the person from any actual sin committed as well).
Parents who have their children baptized are beginning a lifelong faith journey with them and strive to nurture the relationship between their offspring and Jesus by praying with them often, attending Mass weekly, and talking to them about God and His church at a level they can comprehend. Once children reach school age, faith-formation programs are available to supplement parental instruction. A parent’s loving guidance and example are always of the utmost importance when it comes to understanding and experiencing the love of God.
Learn more about the Sacrament of Baptism here.
If you are planning to have your child baptized, begin the journey by contacting the rectory office via phone at 603-882-4362 to answer some brief questions to determine if there are any restrictions to celebrating the sacrament at our parish and/or what documents are required before the Baptism date is scheduled.
Click here to download the registration form: Baptism Registration Form (Bilingual)