St. Louis Cemetery is located at 752 W. Hollis St., Nashua, NH 03062.
St. Francis Xavier is located at 32 Pinehill Ave., Nashua, NH 03064.
St. Stanislaus is located at 61 Pine Hill Rd., Nashua, NH 03063.
The main office of all three cemeteries is located at the back of St. Louis Cemetery on W. Hollis St. and is open Monday-Thursday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Feel free to stop by during office hours to inquire about scheduling a burial, details for a specific burial location or information, or to request information on purchasing a lot (full or cremation) for future burials. If you require a consultation, calling ahead to make an appointment is encouraged.
For additional information, call us at 603-886-1302