“Each one should use
whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
-1 Peter 4:10
Our program is staffed by many wonderful volunteers. If you would like information or have time to volunteer, please call Monica Quinones at 603-882-4362 ext. 211.
The goals of the program are to:
If you want to volunteer your talents and time to serve our parish community, please contact us at the rectory office during office hours, 603-882-4362.
Several people in our Parish and in care facilities around the area are in need of caring and loving people to bring them spiritual healing, through the power of the Eucharist, since they are unable to attend Mass. In bringing Communion to the sick and the homebound, the
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist also brings faith and charity on behalf of the entire church community.
We could use your help with this very special task of bringing Communion to the sick. If you would like to join us in these efforts, please call the rectory office. It is NOT a requirement for you to be a Eucharistic Minister to serve in this Ministry; all are welcome. For more information, contact Donna Pratt at [email protected]. Thank you!
Ushers and Greeters offer a warm greeting and a welcoming atmosphere as parishioners enter the church for mass. We need people at the doors to greet parishioners as they arrive, and again to wish them well as they exit. If you are outgoing and enjoy a little friendly interaction with fellow parishioners, this is a great way to serve. It is always nice to walk into a place and receive a warm welcome! This ministry helps our parish accomplish that goal.
Please send any questions or interest to [email protected], or call (603) 882-4362 X 203. We cannot do this without you!